Hey My Lovelies,
I hope everyone's week has been going fine so far. I love doing tags and being nominated for blogging awards is even more interesting because it gives you a chance to do something fun, let your readers know more about you and feel appreciated. So, I felt very delighted when the lovely Paula from ThirteenThoughts nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award. You need to check out her blog here because she has a wide variety of amazing blog posts ranging from Beauty, Fashion, Girl talk, Lifestyle, Health & Fitness and Relationship. What I love most about her blog is how beautiful her photography is because I am a huge sucker for lovely pictures...so go ahead and show her some love from me...
What is the Versatile Blogger Award?
It is essentially an award given to you by other bloggers for writing blog posts which have touched and inspired them one way or the other, having good quality photographs and having unique contents and subjects. It is an award designed to honor a blogger who has brought something special to your life. I think it is so amazing to know someone out there actually loves my blog posts enough to feel inspired or touched. To me, that's the whole essence of blogging. Thanks a lot Paula...xx

How does it Work?
It's very simple and requires no fuss which is why it is why it is an amazing award. It has a few rules as outlined below:
1.Display the Versatile Award certificate on your blog
2. Announce your win/nomination and thank the blogger who nominated you.
3. Present 15 bloggers with the awards, link your nominees in this post and leave them a comment on their blogs so they know they have been nominated.
4. Post 7 interesting things about yourself.

7 Interesting Things about myself
I am not sure i consider them all very interesting but i would let you be the judge of it. I would treat it as a way to learn more about me so here goes...
1. Beyonce and I..we are best mates...No seriously, we are.. (hehehehehe)..ok, you got me!..but i so wish it was true though. I am totally obsessed with her and i really love her, her music and her passion which is all very inspiring.
2. I am very mischievous and I always play a lot of pranks on my close friends, family and partner. They are totally used to me now and there is no escape for them...hehehhe
3. I still can't drive..I know, I know it is really bizarre but i promise it is somewhere on the bucket list before I hit the big 30.
4. My Iphone and I are inseparable..it is the first thing i pick up in the morning and the last thing before bed. I honestly love it and I know there are so many people who do the same...No? Just me...ok!
5. I sleep really easily and Insomnia is something i have never suffered from. Once my head hits the pillow, it's a snoozefest. No, you won't catch me sleeping on the train, tube or bus but you may catch me having a nap in a car journey....bwahahaha.
6.If I go into a public toilet, say in the office, mall or anywhere, I won't use the toilet if I see the toilet seat and rim is down and covered because i will assume there is a nasty big turd in there. Ewww!!
7. I love to write anything..be it a list of things to do, an assignment, an address, anything at all, i would write it down on paper first..I am old school like that..
There...that's 7 interesting things (I hope!) about me and i hope you have enjoyed it and if you have any interesting things about yourselves, please be my guest in the comment section, i would love to read it and if we share any of the above, let me know as well.

Nominating Bloggers for the Versatile Awards
I am not sure if i am able to nominate up to 15 bloggers but let's see how things go. Without further ado, i present to you my nominations for the versatile blogger awards for bloggers who i find their posts inspiring and amazing!!!
1. Shirley.B. Eniang from Meek and Mild (http://www.meek-n-mild.com)
2. Anna from ViviannaDoesMakeup (http://www.viviannadoesmakeup.com)
3. BeautyCrush from BeautyCrush (http://www.beautycrush.co.uk)
4. Barbara from Barbara &1923 (http://www.barbara1923.com)
5. Dinma from That Igbo Chick (http://www.thatigbochick.com)
6. Beth from Bird's Words (http://www.birdle.blogspot.co.uk)
7. Ifeyinwa from LoveIfeyinwa (http://www.loveifeyinwa.com)
8. Adeola from She Got Her Own (http://www.distinguisheddiva.blogspot.co.uk)
9. Sophie from The Private Life of a Girl (http://www.theprivatelifeofagirl.com)
10. Vicky from Koko Secrets (http://www.kokosecrets.com)

You should check them all out because they are all amazing blogs and add them to your reading list...Thank me later..I hope you enjoyed this post and I will be seeing you in my next post..xx
*None of the images used in this post are mine and if you would like me to give credit (assuming it is yours originally), send me an email and it will be done, thanks.*
Thank you so much Liv for your kind words, it means so much to me!! You're so sweet <3 I love to write as well, nothing better than a piece of paper and a pen!
Hi Paula, I should be thanking you for nominating--So a mega big thank you. We bloggers need to support each other as that really keeps us going...I guess we both love being bloggers because we love writing even if it is on paper or paper napkins..hehehhe..x