The Airport in Basel is called Mulhouse Airport but I think it has other names because apparently Basel is the city where the France, Switzerland and Germany borders meet so the airport has one or two other names. The airport was nice and it had two exits; French exit and Swiss exit so you have to take the right one. I was in the airport for a little while because I was waiting for someone so I thought it would be nice to explore and get some WiFi. I went to the French exit and the Swiss exit just to get a feel of both and they are essentially the same but they use different currencies in the two exits; Swiss Francs in the Swiss exit and Euros in the French exit although you can use any currency you wish. They had some nice artistic monuments/statues (i really don't know what to call them) but I took a few snaps. They even had a Flower/Bouquet Dispensing Machine which dispenses bouquet of flowers and I thought that was really clever and convenient so Gents, you have no excuse now for forgetting to buy your lady flowers. The weather was amazing and I was actually really shocked because I thought it would be super cold but it was rather sunny and warm and perfect for pictures although I felt a little shy taking pictures or even vlogging.....lol (silly me)

I bought a few bites which were ridiculously expensive and I had been warned anyway that things were super expensive here and they sure are. I was happy to be carted away to my Hotel (Best Western Stucki) which was amazing and strategically placed near a shopping mall with over 100 shops so I am a very happy bunny. It is also close to the River Rhine which I look forward to going to. I am here for a few days and then I would be off by road to Paris and I am very excited; I would try and bring you guys along with me via pictures and possibly a vlog... The next day I went to the Stucki Shopping Mall (I was told pictures were not allowed *sad face*) which was so beautiful and I vlogged a teeny weeny bit. I didn't buy much because they were quite expensive when I did the conversion but I bought a few things like an NYX concealer and a Hama Star 05 Tripod which I had been hunting down for a long time. I would show all that in a bit.I ventured into town via Tram and I have to say their transport system is really impressive and easy to understand; you cannot go wrong or get missing here at all. I went to Claraplatz and MarktPlatz and a couple of other places I can't remember but I will be showing you more pictures in my next post. Basel is such a beautiful city which shares borders with France and Germany which makes it the perfect choice to visit if you intend to see a few Schengen countries. I love how the buildings look ever so architectural a la Paris and my lovely Glasgow. So, I am leaving you with a few pictures from my first two days and I would be posting more soon. See you in my next post...x