Back at the tail end of November 2016, I was very kindly invited to the Jurlique UK Flagship store launch and I was absolutely delighted. I'd heard so many good things about Jurlique as a brand and everyone seemed to be saying positive things about their best selling Rosewater Hydrating Mist. It was an evening event so I popped over after work to Oxford Street in Central London. In case you are wondering where the store is located, the address is 489 Oxford St, London W1C 2AU and it's close to Selfridges, Marble Arch Station and Bond Street Station. Last year, Jurlique opened a lovely counter (or section because it is a good size) in Debenhams and many beauty enthusiasts were delighted as you would imagine. Before then, Jurlique was mainly sold online in the UK.

I got there slightly late but thank goodness, the event had only just started. The store is so easy to find and I love its location. I had some delicious warming peppermint tea while I looked round the store. It is such a beautiful store and I could not help myself as you can see from the photos. If I am in a beautiful place or surrounded by beautiful products and my camera is with me, I will just snap away. No self control (or maybe camera control) whatsoever!

The ambience of the store reminds me of a very beautiful spa and all the sales associates/therapists were very helpful. I tried out the beautiful Rosewater Hydrating Mist in store and I could understand why it is heavily hyped. My skin felt instantly refreshed and hydrated which is so essential with the current weather state. The store has a lovely array of all their gift sets with the theme "Give Nature, Bring Joy" which is very much in line with Jurlique's ethos. I also loved the decor of the store and how well lit it as it showcased the products so well even though it was dark outside. Lighting really goes a long way in improving the ambience of a place.

I was also shown the mini spa room for beauty treatments. I didn't realise the store was that large and I think it's impressive that there's a spa there. I could not get a lot of shots of the room because some lovely ladies were having massages and no one wants to have a camera being pointed in their faces when they are having such a relaxing moment. I was also treated to a lovely hand massage with their Rose Hand Cream which I love. I could not get over how soft and delicate the beauty therapists/masseur's hands were. She told me it was all down to the Rose Hand Cream which I was kindly gifted in my goody bag so I cannot wait to reap the same results (fingers crossed).

True to her words, my hands felt very soft after my hand massage. She also taught me how to give myself a hand massage with the Rose Hand Cream although I doubt if it would be as amazing as the massage she gave me. Still, I am so grateful she taught me the technique for a quick hand massage and we had such a nice chat while I was in there. Soon, it was time for a short presentation by the Jurlique representatives and I learned so much about the brand which I will be sharing below.

Brief Overview of Jurlique
Jurlique was founded in the 1980s by Dr Jurgen Klein and his wife Ulrike (He is a Biochemist while his wife is a Botanist) and they had a vision to create a pure and natural skincare range. The name Jurlique is a combination of both founder's first names and I think that's so lovely. I don't know why I thought Jurlique was a French name but now I know the origin of the name. I believe they were originally from Germany but they moved to the Adelaide Hills in South Australia to realise their vision and grow their own ingredients.

Till date, many of the ingredients used in Jurlique products are cultivated on this farm which I find incredible. Jurlque has a wide range of products which include products for the Face, Hand, Body, Sun protection, Baby and Aromatherapy. There's something for everyone. I am so pleased that they now have their first flagship store in the UK so I can discover more of the brand under one roof.

Flower Making Workshop (with David Austin Roses)
Since Jurlique has been a leader in natural skincare for more than 30 years, it was no surprise that the workshop will involve something from nature. We were taught how to care for roses and I was very excited because I was getting quite rusty with my knowledge. Roses were one of the first flowers planted by the founders of Jurlique on their farm and Ulrike once said " Roses connect you to nature- to beauty within. They are the queen of plants when it comes to skincare". I have to say that's absolutely spot on. Roses have such a beautiful scent and they are known for their hydrating, soothing and enhancing skincare qualities. The roses used in the Jurlique Farms are the David Austin Roses and they are about 6 varieties of the old-style roses. We were lucky to have some of these roses in-store on the day and I took one home with me. They are so beautiful!!

Anyway, back to the workshop. The first thing to do to ensure that your roses are well catered for is to choose one with healthy flowers and green leaves. If you want to be sure that it's a healthy rose, you can gently press the head of the rose to ensure it does not fall apart. Next step is to cut the stem at a diagonal angle with a sharp garden scissors. The final step is to get your favourite vase and add some cool water (not cold water) and put in your roses ensuring that no leaves sit below the water line. Viola!! Your roses are ready and if you follow these steps, they will last longer. You should also ensure that they have good access to sunlight and you can go the extra step by adding plant food. I learnt so much on the day!! Now I know the origin of the roses used in the Rosewater Hydrating Mist, I cherish it even more!!

Making my own Pot Pourri Blend using Jurlique Aromatherapy Oils
After the lovely rose session, I popped on over to make my own pot pourri using the Jurlique Aromatherapy Oils. Everything looked so gorgeous an everyone made really impressive jars of pot pourri. I decided to go for the Jurlique Revitalising Aromatherapy Oil because it smelt so beautiful and truly revitalising as it promised. I was provided a cute jar where I added some dried plants including lavender, dandelion,peppermint leaves etc and I layered it so it would look aesthetic. I think it turned out alright and I love it so much. It sits on my desk at home and I always have a little sniff of it every now and then. I am so surprised that it still smells so fresh; almost as fresh as the day I made it.
Jurlique Products I'm Trying Out
I had such a brilliant day and learnt so much about Jurlique and their products. I was very kindly gifted a generous goody bag which contained the following products: Jurlique Activating Water Essence*, Jurlique Rosewater Balancing Mist*, Jurlique Advanced Serum* and the Jurlique Rose Hand Cream*. I have been using them since I got them and will be sharing my thoughts on them soon on the blog. A massive thanks to Jurlique UK and their PR Team for putting together such a successful event and for inviting me. Happy New Year to everyone and I wish everyone an amazing year ahead.
*Gifted PR Samples, read my full disclaimer here
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